domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

6mm XVIII INFANTRY TRICORN "present arms"

 "Present arms" was a command given to infantry soldiers in the 18th century, which involved a specific action with their weapons. The command would typically be given by an officer, and the soldiers would respond in unison.

When the command "present arms" was given, the soldiers would bring their muskets or rifles to a vertical position, with the butt of the weapon resting on the ground. They would then hold the weapon with both hands, with the barrel pointing upwards.

This action was primarily used as a form of salutation, and it was often performed in the presence of a superior officer or a member of the aristocracy. It was a way of showing respect and acknowledging the authority of the person being saluted.

The practice of presenting arms had a practical purpose as well, as it allowed the soldiers to quickly bring their weapons into a firing position if necessary. This was particularly important in a time when armies often marched in close formations and were at risk of sudden attack.

Overall, the practice of presenting arms was a common feature of 18th-century infantry drills and was an important aspect of military protocol at the time. It also served a practical purpose, as it allowed soldiers to be prepared for any potential threats while also showing respect to their superiors.


Infantry volley fire was a common tactic used by European armies during the 18th century. It involved a group of soldiers firing their muskets simultaneously in a coordinated manner.
The purpose of volley fire was to create a wall of lead that could quickly and efficiently take down enemy troops. By firing in unison, the soldiers could deliver a devastating amount of firepower at once, which would make it difficult for the enemy to advance.

The process of volley fire was carefully choreographed. Soldiers would be arranged in lines, with each row taking turns to fire. This meant that there was always a constant stream of bullets being fired, creating a continuous barrage of firepower.

Overall, infantry volley fire was an important tactic during the 18th century, and it played a crucial role in many battles of the time. However, it required a high degree of discipline and training to execute effectively.

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023


 Pikemen were often used in formation mixed with fusiliers to create a hedge of pikes to protect the soldiers from cavalry attacks. 

Russian infantry

During the 18th century, pikemen were gradually phased out as firearms became more prevalent and effective on the battlefield but they were still in use in some armies.

Swedish Infantry

The pikemen have been modeled in three positions, standing, marching and advancing. You can combine them with the rest of the infantry to get mixed battalions of fusiliers and pikemen.

Russian Infantry brigade

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023


  You already have the possibility of equipping your armies with artillery.

Spanish heavy artillery

 British light artillery.

You have two sepparate files, in one of them are the light and heavy artillery pieces as well as some gunpowder barrels, in the other file you have the cannon crew.

French artillery with ammo depot.

Imperial artillery.

With the light artillery pieces you can also equip your infantry with battalion guns.

Imperial infantry regiment with battalion guns.